Man Tells Girlfriend He Was Kidnapped So He Could Go Party


Man Tells Girlfriend He Was Kidnapped So He Could Go Party. We all tell white lies to our significant others sometimes to get away with doing what we want to do. However, usually these don’t involve the police. A man in Britain was fined after he texted his girlfriend saying that he had been kidnapped because of an unpaid debt, so he could continue to party with his friends.

The girl took this text very seriously and ended up calling the police like any normal person who found out their partner had been kidnapped. Police were not very happy when it was revealed that this whole kidnapping was a hoax. A spokesman for the police department said it was “one of the most foolish and irresponsible incident” ever encountered by the department. “Considerable resources and time then went into finding this man, who it transpires made the entire thing up so he could stay out and party,” said Detective Inspector Jo Clawson to Sky News.

Police found the 32-year-old after checking a closed-circuit TV feed close to his home. The man was with one of his friends at the time and he was arrested under suspicion of kidnapping the man. He 53f8b7a05e075was then shortly released after once they found out it was all a ruse. Maybe next time this guy wants to go out he will be honest with his wife…or at least think of a better lie.

Eric Roberts