Church Members Find Face Of Jesus In A Pierogi.
Members of a Michigan church were absolutely shocked during a their annual festival when they found the face of Jesus on a pierogi.
St. Andre Bessette Church festival chairman Robert Heller said he was making tacos Saturday at the festival when someone brought him the pierogi with the face of Jesus clearly etched on the side.
“I was in the taco booth making tacos, and they came up to me and said ‘Jesus loves Polish food more than Mexican food’ and I asked why,” Heller said that’s when the other church member held up the pierogi and showed him the proof. “I was shocked. I looked at it, and you can definitely see the face of Jesus,” said Heller.
Church officials said they have decided to keep the Jesus pierogi frozen until they decide what to do with it. I say sell it on eBay! Someone will buy it.