This May Be One Of The Weirdest Body Modifications Ever

This May Be One Of The Weirdest Body Modifications Ever

Before embarking on an extreme body modification, it’s good to know that many procedures are very difficult if not impossible to reverse. So that means no turning back once the deed is done. This little bit of knowledge makes what your about to see that much more intriguing. It’s a new fad in Japan and it’s called “bageling,” or “bagel head.”



This look is achieved by injecting 300 to 400 cc of medical-grade saline directly into the forehead. Then it is molded to look like a bagel or a donut of which it gets it’s name from.

The look itself isn’t actually permanent and takes about two hours to complete. The look itself lasts about 24 hours before the saline is absorbed by the body. Which leaves me wondering if it’s even worth the time or money.

Either way it seems to be catching on in Japan and was popularized by Canadian body modification artist Jerome Abramovitch. Would you become a “bagel head” for a day? Share this article and let us know what you think.


Eric Roberts