Gauging Toddlers Ears: Disturbing New Trend! Blythe, California is the scene of this newest disturbing trend, gauging your child’s earlobes. In a strip mall called Sandy Shore, irresponsible mothers bring their children in for their ears to be stretched while their children scream in agony. Brittany Mosse, 19, thought it would be fun for her little boy to have this done to him. Her child sits in a parlor chair, with tears streaming down his face while his mother looks on with a reassuring grin. The woman in charge of the gauging enters the room carrying a sharp instrument as she steps towards Brittany’s son. The woman leans down to remove the small studded earring from his ear them pulls several disposable cotton swabs from her apron pocket to begin cleaning the tiny hole where the earring once was. The little boys crying is all that can be heard as the woman brings the sharp, pencil size prong to the boys ear. She puts it through the small opening and painfully begins forcing it through. As the little boy’s ear begins to stretch and bleed, the boy cries in agony, “Mommy I love you! Why are you doing this to me!”
This fad of “gauging out” your child’s ears is a violation of your children’s rights and just pure child abuse. Forcibly deforming your child for life through a torture session should get you time in the county jail. Modern Woman Digest defends this act by saying in their magazine, “You get a twist on the classic toddler’s ear piercing, while introducing your child to ethnic and cultural diversity with a stretched lobe. This fashion accessory isn’t just for the little African babies anymore! Now your child can look just as hip with it as the children you see in National Geographic Magazine. It’s fashion forward, and practical. With the added extra holes in your child’s ears, your toddler will appear more tough than the other toddlers in its preschool, ensuring it never gets picked on or bullied for appearing too ‘wussy.'”
This is obvious child abuse. The parents and the shop owners should be held responsible and locked away. The children should be placed in protective custody, in a loving and caring home where they will never have to worry about being hurt, tortured and deformed for life. They should sterilize the parents while they’re at it to!