Forget The Milk! Marijuana Helps Heal Broken Bones Too!
According to a new study, a chemical compound found in marijuana may actually help the healing process of broken and fractured bones.
This study was done by Israeli researchers and they have since published their findings in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. They believe that it is primarily the CBD that causes the accelerated healing due to the fact the that when separated from all the other compounds, including THC, it did not loose it’s ability to help the healing of the rat’s bones.
The CBD didn’t only fix the bones either, it actually made them stronger. According to the researchers CBD enhanced, “the maturation of the collagenous matrix, which provides the basis for new mineralization of bone tissue.” Which basically means that the bones will be harder to break in the future.
“The clinical potential of cannabinoid-related compounds is simply undeniable at this point,” says lead researcher Dr. Yankel Gabet. “While there is still a lot of work to be done to develop appropriate therapies, it is clear that it is possible to detach a clinical therapy objective from the psychoactivity of cannabis.”
What do you think? Do you think it’s time we stop demonizing marijana as an illegal substance and start taking advantage of the clear medicinal and beneficial properties of it? Share this article and let us know.