Tartrazine has been used in many foods, drugs, ice creams and other products since 1916. It is currently found in Kraft macaroni and cheese, Doritos, Jello, Kool Aid, shampoos and hand stamps which can also shrink your testicles! The negative health outcomes that this chemical has created throughout this century are staggering. It has been proven to contribute to hyperactivity, rashes and hives, depression, cancer, asthma and low sperm count.
Earlier, in 2009, the Food Safety Authority also evaluated the negative effects of Tartrazine. They also found that Tartrazine has adverse effects on the reproductive organs. If you are drinking Mountain Dew on a regular basis, you should reconsider. If you are allowing your children to drink this, especially your young boys, you are setting them up for a life of health complications and smaller than usual “family jewels”. CLICK HERE —> TO LIKE DAILY BUZZ LIVE ON FACEBOOK!